pondělí 17. prosince 2018

Drawn meaning

Past participle of draw. Haggar as from fatigue or ill health: a wan, drawn face. Meaning , pronunciation, translations and examples. Dictionary Grammar Blog School Scrabble Thesaurus Translator Quiz More Resources. In days past, the features, often words, were directly plotted on a map, and isoglosses were drawn to circumscribe the region.

Draw definition: When you draw , or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture,.

English dictionary definition of draw. In this case, drawn is not an adjective, but the past participle of the verb to draw, here probably meaning Gently pull or guide (someone) in a specified direction. Definition of draw into in the Idioms Dictionary.

He had a drawn , gaunt face with a pair of extremely deep-set eyes. Seated in the same room was the King himself, his tired and drawn face resting in his hand as he slowly massaged his own temples. Numbly peering at her drawn face, he drew back her sleeve without looking to feel for a pulse.

Draw in definition is - to cause or entice to enter or participate. Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo (de fácil manejo, a contraluz, de fiar). Drawn financial definition of drawn.

The definition of drawn is looking very tired or sick. An example of drawn used as an adjective is in the phrase a drawn expression, which means a sick looking expression. What does drawn mean in finance?

A term used when u doin too much. This term is used in the world of banking, most commonly in the processing of bank drafts and checks. Think of personal checks. Let’s work with an example to understand the vocabulary.

Hange drawn and quartered was the punishment for traitors, that is, men who committed treason, that is, the violation by a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state. Women traitors were burned at the stake. To be hange drawn and quartered was a punishment in England used for men found guilty of high treason. This is one possible meaning of drawn. Information and translations of drawn in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

To aim a firearm, or deadly weapon, at a particular target. Urdu (Listen -تلفظ سنیۓ ) 1) drawn. Cause to move by pulling. Showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering. Synonyms for drawn at Thesaurus.

Looking careworn as she bent over her mend.

Find descriptive alternatives for drawn. The liquid is drawn into a nebulizer, which breaks it up into a spray of tiny droplets. The simple past is drew, and the past participle is drawn. First he was drawn , that is, tied to a horse and dragged to the gallows. The full punishment for a traitor could include several steps.

A so-called hurdle, or sledge, is sometimes mentioned in this context.

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