pondělí 3. dubna 2017

Austria flag

Austria flag

What is the official flag of Austria? Was Austria a German state? It may have seen use in flags from about the 15th century, alongside the black-and-yellow colours of the Imperial House of Habsburg and other insignia of the Holy Roman Empire.

Austria flag

National flag and civil ensign. The coat of arms of Austria , a red shield with a white horizontal central stripe, is attributed to Duke Leopold V in the late 12th century. Legend has it that King Henry VI granted him that shield because the duke’s tunic was drenched in bloo except for the white area beneath his belt, after the Battle. Austria Flag or Austria Flag is the official flag of Austria. The top and bottom are colored red while the middle portion is white.

The flag contains three Stripes and has two colors. Austria has had a few varieties of flags in its lifetime, and currently uses two different styles which you’ll often see around the city of Vienna today. It consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width, where the middle one is white and the other two are red. The Flag : Austria emoji is a sequence of the #127462; Regional Indicator Symbol Letter A and #127481; Regional Indicator Symbol Letter T emojis.

These display as a single emoji on supported platforms. Royal-Flags is a MaxFlags company website. Almost every flag of the world is stored in 2square metres of space in a wide variety of designs and sizes. Austria flags are possibly the oldest national flag design in the world. Free to download and print.

Red is ordered in the characteristic “Pantone 1C”. Vertical flag of Austria hanging on a silver metallic pole. This color combination was created by user Schemecolor.

Austria flag

The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. So, while these specs may not be the official, government, version of each flag , they are certainly what the NOC believed the flag to be.

For Austria , PMS 032. The vertical version is simply the flag turned through degrees clockwise. Legend has it that Duke Leopold V. Austria has a state flag , which is also used as a military and maritime ensign. The Austrian flag consists of three equal horizontal strips. There is also a coat of arms, featuring an avian character derived from the standard of the Holy Roman Emperor.

It is thought that these colors are so significant to Austria because of the legend of Duke Leopold V. As the legend goes, the duke was fighting at the Siege of Acre when his coat was drenched in blood. Austria is one of the few landlocked countries in central Europe - together with Switzerland and Luxembourg. Austria can be compared in size with South Carolina in the USA.

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