Find Out What You Need to Know. Learn More About How We Can Help! We Offer a Wide Range of Products. Start Your Business Today! Espacenet : free access to millions of patent documents.
It contains data on more than 1million patent documents from around the world. For automated data retrieval, please. The search engine will then guess the field identifier and what you meant. At the top of the list screen, the system tells you how it interpreted your search terms.
Your first search in Smart search will always be performed in the worldwide database. En del av de äldsta dokumenten är inte sökbara med bibliografiska data, men de kan sökas med hjälp av publiceringsnumren. Legal status information on espacenet.
However, for each country any.
INPADOC patent family. We provide access to the largest single source of technical information in the world: our databases containing millions of patent documents. This allows you to see what already exists, find out about technical aspects of your competitors’ work or spot trends in technology.
Discover the potential. The Smart search mask lets you use proximity operators as well as comparison operators (e.g.