pondělí 30. ledna 2017

Case history of patient with pneumonia

A 54-year-old smoker with multiple comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease) presents with a 2-day history of a productive cough with yellow sputum , chest tightness, and fever. The sputum is thick and yellow with streaks of blood. He developed a fever, shaking, chills and malaise along with the cough.

Aspiration pneumonia is more common in older people who have comorbid conditions that may lead to alteration in mental status. PRESENT MEDICAL HISTORY :- Fever , head ache and generalized.

Past medical history includes pneumonia years ago and mild intermittent asthma for. However, this illness could represent pneumococcal pneumonia superimposed on a viral upper respiratory tract infection. Clinical trial design questions.

A Case Study : Pneumonia. In this casereport we review the presentation and management of pneumonia involving the respiratory system. The aim of this report is to alert the clinicians to the potential diagnosis of pneumonia treatment.

He was diagnosed with pneumonia.

Pneumonic infection has been noted throughout human history, with mentions of the disease appearing during early Greek civilization. Antibacterials are recommended in all suspected cases of pneumonia, starting as soon as possible. Low-severity CAP: Offer a five-day course of amoxicillin , reserving a macrolide or tetracycline for patients allergic to penicillin.

Diagnosis is based on clinical signs or symptoms of pneumonia in a person with a history or risk factors for aspiration. Sputum or tracheal Gram stain reveals mixed flora. Infection usually involves the dependent lung lobe.

Complications of disease include lung abscess and empyema. Case Study on Pneumonia Case Study: Pneumonia and Pressure Ulcer Prevention in an Elderly MICU Patient June Case Study: Pneumonia and Sepsis in an Elderly MICU Patient L. Case Study for Pneumonia Our nose and airway filters germs out of the air that we breathe in order to prevent our lungs from becoming infected. However, when germs does enters our lungs, it may cause infections such as Pneumonia which inflames the air sacs of the lungs, which can range from mild case to severe cases. On admission to the Emergency Room he had an elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine.

Primary Diagnosis and Priority Secondary Diagnosis. Indee pneumonia is the most common significant complication of influenza and leads to significant morbidity and mortality. A 66-year-old male presented to an urgent care clinic with a 4-day history of dry cough, progressing to rusty colored sputum, sudden onset of chills the previous evening, subjective fever, and malaise. Case History : Patient Hospitalization and Aquisition of Pneumonia.

More typically, in our intensive care unit and intensive care units around the country, when we see ventilator-associated pneumonia due to gram-positive bacteria, it is more typically due to methicillin-resistant Staph aureus.

The clinical presentation of bacterial pneumonia varies. Sudden onset of symptoms and rapid illness progression are associated with bacterial pneumonias. Chest pain, dyspnea, hemoptysis (when clearly delineated from hematemesis), decreased exercise tolerance, and abdominal pain from pleuritis are also highly indicative of a pulmonary process.

This is a not a common infection. On the basis of history of a chronic early morning productive cough, years of smoking, and evidence of mild obstruction on pulmonary function tests, the patient has received a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with chronic bronchitis. All cases that cause concern should be considered for hospital admission.

Community patients should be advised to return if their symptoms do not resolve after three weeks.

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