To see the translation point your mouse over any sentence on the page. Completing the DS - 160. Important Notice: Take care to answer. The purpose of your intended travel and other facts will.
You are about to leave travel. Welcome to the Consular Electronic Application Center !
Consular Officers use the information entered on the DS-1to process the visa application an combined with a personal. Embassy or Consulate are required to complete the DS-1online application form. Each applicant, regardless of age, must have his or her own DS-1application form. Consular Officers will use the information entered on the DS-1to process the visa application an combined with a personal interview, will determine an applicant’s eligibility for a nonimmigrant visa.
However, you will be able to retrieve the information from a previously submitted DS - 1to populate some fields on a new form and submit a new DS - 1form. Introducing the DS-1U. Visa Application Form U. With the help of CEAC , you can get the updates of your petition any time of the day.